The Founder of Heart Circles

Tej Steiner is the inspirational founder of Heart Circles.
A master at group facilitation, Tej spent years working with groups in Canada and the US before founding and developing the current Heart Circle model. He teaches Heart Circles all over the world, coaches by phone and in person and runs workshops.
You can contact Tej at: Connect@TejSteiner.com
More details on coaching, workshops and trainings with Tej are available through his website.
Tej's latest book, Waking up with everyone around us comes highly recommend and is essential reading to those who want to participate and explore using heart circle work to wake up and live more consciously. You can buy the book at AmazonUK here
"Tej Steiner is one of the most intuitive and inspirational people I have met.
His Heart Circle model is deeply magical and has been a powerful source of transformation for me. I can't imagine my life without Heart Circles, or Tej Steiner. He is a true visionary."
Amanda Jayne